Sunday, November 9, 2014

Equality in Entertainment

Feminism is quite the hot button issue of late. It seems that people are often confused about what feminist ideology is and how it fits in our society. Many celebrities have been speaking out on equality, two of which are idols of mine - Joss Whedon and Felicia Day. I am a writer by trade but I am also an activist. I don’t call myself a feminist for many reasons but I do believe in equality for everyone. Feminism has had a bright spotlight recently with the Gamergate scandal and Emma Watson’s popular and inclusive speech for the United Nations. Women have long been underrepresented in numerous entertainment industries but that certainly seems to be changing. With successful and popular female writers, producers and directors such as Felicia Day, Julie Plec and others, an entire avenue of positions is being opened.

Joss Whedon recently talked to the Huffington Post about his views on feminism and how he doesn’t understand why this is still even an issue in 2014. Whedon came from a household with a strong female role model who was also a very creative influence in his life also. He has long been known in Hollywood as a feminist figure and his writing portrays his views. Buffy, the take no prisoners protector of humans and killer of the undead is one of his most popular characters.

Felicia Day has also worked to show that women are powerful and can be a creative force in the industry. She writes, directs, stars in and hosts her own web series “The Guild” that has been wildly successful. She recently got together with “Can’t Stop the Serenity” a group that is working with equality for all to spread equality to women across the globe. This organization realizes that the issue of equality reaches far outside the confines of our own country.

I hope to help spread social activism and equality across various mediums through my writing. My goal for as long as I have known Whedon and his work has been to represent the best in humanity, just like he always has.